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What safety features are commonly found on electric pallet trucks to prevent accidents and injuries?

In the modern warehousing and logistics industry, electric pallet trucks have become indispensable work partners. They not only improve handling efficiency, but also reduce the risks brought by manual handling. However, how to ensure safety when using electric pallet trucks?

Overload protection system

The overload protection system of electric pallet trucks is one of the core of its safety design. The system can monitor the load weight in real time. Once the rated load is exceeded, the car will sound an alarm and automatically limit the driving speed. This design not only protects the equipment itself, but also prevents accidents caused by overloading.

Automatic braking function

Safe electric pallet trucks are usually equipped with automatic braking function. When the operator releases the control lever or encounters an obstacle, the car will stop immediately. This feature greatly reduces the risk of accidental collisions caused by operating errors or environmental changes, ensuring the safety of operators and surrounding workers.

Low chassis design

Many electric pallet trucks adopt a low chassis design, which makes the body closer to the ground and reduces the risk of tipping. In addition, the low chassis also makes it easier for operators to perform more precise operations during the handling process, reducing misoperations caused by obstructed vision.

In today's fast-paced logistics environment, safety always comes first. Electric pallet trucks provide strong protection for operators through multiple safety features such as overload protection system, automatic braking function and low chassis design. These designs not only improve work efficiency, but also provide safety protection for every user. When choosing an electric pallet truck, be sure not to ignore its safety performance to ensure that the equipment is used for you while creating a safe working environment for you.

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